With the publication of the book "Commentary on the Law on Protection of Competition", we hope that we will contribute to the enrichment of the Macedonian legal literature in an area where there are not many scientific and professional papers, not only in our country but also in the region,...
Author: Pepeljugoski Pepeljugoski
Q&A about Law on Personal Data Protection
On August 24, 2021, the full implementation of the new Law on Personal Data Protection began. With the adoption of the new Law, the Macedonian legislation is harmonized with the European regulations and it should respond to the new challenges regarding the right to privacy and personal data protection, which...
European Corporate Insights – Law office Pepeljugoski with a review of news for Republic of North Macedonia
Law office Pepeljugoski with a review of news for Republic of North Macedonia referring to the law against Unfair Competition with Selected provisions of the Constitution law, the law on the consumer protection, the law on the Industrial property and the criminal code, in Andersen Global Publication. More info on...