The purpose of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) is to ensure competition and fair play in the digital services market. The act regulates the relations of the large digital platforms that appear in the role of "guardians", with the aim of reducing the impacts they have in the digital economy...
Category: Construction Law & Litigation
Mandatory provisions of the Employment`s agreement
Pursuant to Article 1 of the Law on Labor Relations, labor relations are governed by the Law on Labor Relations and other laws, collective agreements and employment agreements. Labor relations are established by concluding an Employment Agreement between the employer and the employee. The Employment Agreement is an act that...
Distribution of the property of a company deleted from the competent register due to the status of an inactive entity
Due to the existence of different court practice, on 27.12.2023, the Supreme Court of the Republic of North Macedonia adopted a principled legal opinion regarding the legal question whether in a situation where a company is deleted in accordance with Article 552-a and Article 552-b of the Law on Trade...