Griffin vs. Ed Sheeran

Recently, the question of the extent to which composers should be allowed to borrow parts of works that have been created before, as well as how much of the song is "owned" by the composer, increased its relevance. In this regard, the trial between Griffin (heir to one-third of the...

How many times probation period can be arranged with the same employer?

When concluding an employment contract, in accordance with Article 60 of the Law on labor relations, it is possible for the employer and the employee to agree on a probation period when establishing an employment relationship. In that case, in addition to all the rights and obligations of the employment...

Legal protection through filing a Petition or Proposal

In order to safeguard their rights and interests, every individual and legal entity, in addition to the established legal protection in a judicial and/or administrative procedure, may exercise their rights through the submission of a Petition or Proposal, a procedure that offers certain advantages but is not widely known and...