The procedure for acquiring citizenship in the Republic of North Macedonia by naturalization (by investment) is a complex procedure that is regulated by the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia on determining the criteria for special scientific, economic, cultural, sports or other national interest for acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia.
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law on Citizenship, it is established that a foreigner who meets the requirements of Article 7, paragraph 1, points 1 and 8 can acquire citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia by naturalization if it represents a particular scientific, economic, cultural, sports or other national interest.
The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia by Decree establishes the criteria for special scientific, economic, cultural, sports or other national interest for acquiring citizenship, as well as gives an opinion on the existence of the special interest.
In addition to the foreigner who will start the procedure for acquiring citizenship through naturalization, his spouse can acquire citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia under the conditions of Article 9 of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia too.
Pursuant to Article 7 paragraph 1 points 1 and 8 of the Law on Citizenship, it is established that citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia can be acquired by naturalization by a foreigner who has personally submitted a request for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia, if he meets the following conditions: he has reached the age of 18 life and his admission to the citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia not to endanger the security and defense of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The Government Decree from 10.12.2019 and from 16.02.2021 establishes the criteria for special scientific, economic, cultural, sports or other national interest for acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The fulfillment of the criteria for acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia by naturalization are evaluated from the perspective of the impact of the capital on the increase in employment, the inflow of funds into the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia based on the payment of taxes and social contributions, the increase in quality and the quantity of production by applying new more modern technologies, increasing exports and in other ways.
The existence of the special economic interest based on the criteria determined by the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, within the framework of their competences, is assessed by the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance.
If the conditions prescribed by the Law on the Citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia and the Decrees of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia are met, the foreigner should personally submit an Application for the acquisition of citizenship to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia.
The authority that decides on the submitted Request for citizenship by naturalization makes a decision within six months after the foreigner’s request is submitted.